Puku Children’s Literature Foundation NPC

Short Description
Puku is an award-winning book development and reading promotion organisation whose mission it is to improve the quality and quantity of books in all SA languages.

Puku is the only organisation that specialises in reviewing children's books and building communities of reviewers in all languages.

The Puku website is a trusted source of information on SA children's books and our priority is to build a new Onix-compliant portal to upload, edit, store and manage bibliographic data in all languages.

Postal Address: PostNet Suite 173, Pvt Bag X2600, Houghton, 2041

Street Address: Puku Children’s Literature Foundation
136 Barry Hertzog Ave

Province: Gauteng

Tel: +27 84 402 4931 / +27 87 148 9418

Email: executivedirector@puku.co.za

URL: www.puku.co.za


Executive Director: Elinor Sisulu

Chairperson: Fazila Montsi


Children’s Books, Pre-Primary


Publishing Services: Puku is an award-winning book development and reading promotion organisation whose mission it is to improve the quality and quantity of books in all SA languages.

Puku is the only organisation that specialises in reviewing children's books and building communities of reviewers in all languages.

The Puku website is a trusted source of information on SA children's books and our priority is to build a new Onix-compliant portal to upload, edit, store and manage bibliographic data in all languages.

+27 84 402 4931 / +27 87 148 9418
Puku Children’s Literature Foundation
136 Barry Hertzog Ave
ZIP Code