Postal Address: PO Box 55952, Polokwane, 0700
Street Address: 5 Felicia Street
Birchleigh North, Kemptonpark,
Johannesburg, 1619
Province: Gauteng
Tel: +27 (0)72 900 7900 / 079 154 2211 / 072 970 4722 / 071 351 5323
Director: Moditja Mashapa Makwela
Director: Kully Mabunda
ABET, African Languages (Sepedi, Tshivenda, Xhosa, Zulu, Tsonga, Ndebele, Tswana, Swati, Sotho)
Publishing Services: Fundani Worx Publishers is your specialist ABET and ECD learning support material developers based on the latest NQF unit standards with 15 years experience in ABET development. It offers affordable quality learning support materials and user-friendly workbooks.