Postal Address: PO Box 963,
Sanlamhof, 7532
Street Address: 13 Gamka Street,
Kaymor, Stikland,
Bellville, 7530
Province: Western Cape
Tel: +27 (0)21 945 4111
Fax: +27 (0)86 658 9800
Executive Director: Sandy Geyer
Executive Director: Alan Jonker
Marketing Director: Sheila Feller
Production: Jeremy Bristow
Sales: Roselle Louw
Gauteng East
Contact: +27 (0)82 446 8720
Gauteng North
Contact: +27 (0)83 320 6892
Gauteng West
Contact: +27 (0)73 196 5599
+27 (0)83 406 0067
Free State
Contact: +27 (0)71 788 5130
Contact: +27 (0)83 406 0067
Eastern Cape
Contact: +27 (0)83 553 3739
Cape Town South
Contact: +27 (0)82 779 0009
Cape Town North
Contact: +27 (0)82 560 1908
Education Senior Phase, FET (CAPS)
Publishing Services: Accounting, Art, EMS,
Engineering Graphics and Design, Life Sciences,
Mathematics, Maths Literacy, Natural Sciences,
Physical Sciences, Technology, CAT.
Approved subjects on the DBE National Catalogue:
Mathematics Grades 10, 11 and 12, Engineering
Graphics Grades 10, 11 and 12.