About Us

PASA Aims & Objectives

To promote and protect the rights and responsibilities of the independent publishing sector in South Africa; and to co-ordinate industry representation, including submissions to and negotiations with Government legislators and other relevant public and private bodies with reference to matters affecting South African publishers;
To promote creativity, literacy, "a culture of reading"; and the free flow of ideas, information, and opinion;
To establish and apply policy guidelines and codes of conduct as may be adopted by the General Assembly from time to time as applicable to South African Publishers seeking membership of the Association; and to promote best practice and the highest standards of ethics in publishing;
To examine policy or legislative proposals likely to affect publishing in the Republic; and to take such measures in support of or in opposition to such proposals, and where appropriate to make representations with a view to securing amendments thereto as may be considered appropriate;
To liaise with representative international publishing organisations, and to promote the enactment and enforcement of effective legislation to protect copyright and other intellectual property rights, in order to secure the legitimate interests of authors, publishers and the general public;

To provide information, support and resources with reference to new technologies and publishing media, in order to enable South African Publishers to maintain their viability and competitiveness, and to advance the best interests of the publishing industry;
To organise and arrange participation by South African authors and publishers in competitions, exhibits, fairs, displays and other events organised to promote a culture of reading and excellence in writing and publishing in South Africa;
To provide general assistance and support services to the publishing industry in South Africa, including training, workshops, seminars, and access to a statistical and informational database;
Generally, to promote the best interests of the publishing industry in the Republic and to do all such other things as may be reasonably ancillary thereto.



Satisfied Publishers

Because we are the best at what we do!

-Support and networking within the industry.

-Access to information relating to the industry.

-Inclusion in the PASA Directory and on the PASA website - valuable resources for Education Departments, Booksellers, Librarians, Authors and affiliated organisations.

-Representation at, as well as assistance with, book fairs e.g. Frankfurt Book Fair, International Cape Town Book Fair and the Zimbabwe Book Fair.

-Representation on an international level: African Publishers' Network (APNET), The International Publishers' Association (IPA) and International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisation (IFRRO).

-Contact with other industries within the supply chain e.g. South African Booksellers' Association (SABA), Print Media Association of South Africa (PMA), Print Industries Federation of South Africa (PIFSA), Librarians'
-Association of South Africa (LIASA) and Paper Manufacturers' Association of South Africa (PAMSA).

-Representation on legislative issues e.g. copyright

-Channels for communicating with Governmental Departments.

-Support and a platform for voicing concern about issues affecting the industry e.g. copyright, plagiarism, BBBEE the formation of SETAS and much more.

Ordinary Membership:

is available to South African Publishers who satisfy the eligibility and admission requirements of the Association and who are deemed acceptable to the General Council.

Associate Membership:

is available to persons (including juristic persons), who although not themselves publishers are nevertheless involved with activities associated with aspects of publishing in the Republic, and who are acceptable to the General Council.

Honorary Life Membership:

may be offered to any person who on the recommendation of the General Council, and with the approval of the General Assembly of Members, is acknowledged as having given exceptional service to the publishing industry in South Africa.
The Association through its General Assembly may determine periodic Membership Fees or Subscriptions, payable by each member concerned as a condition and consequence of membership. Differential fees/subscriptions may be determined in respect of different classes or categories of members.