Taylor & Francis South Africa


Postal Address: 408 Cascades, 8 Vesperdene Road, Green Point, 8005
Province: Western Cape
Email: africa@tandf.co.za
URLs: www.taylorandfrancis.com/about/global-office-teams/cape-town-office/
Global Portfolio
Director: Janet Remmington
Email: janet.remmington@tandf.co.za
Head of Researcher Services & Networks: Sibabalwe Oscar Masinyana
Email: oscar.masinyana@tandf.co.za
Portfolio Manager: Eleanore Reinders
Email: Eleanore.reinders@tandf.co.za
Portfolio Manager: Mokheseng Buti
Email: mokheseng.buti@tandf.co.za
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Colleague Network Specialist: Deidré Mvula
Email: deidre.mvula@tandf.co.za
Production Editor: Anli De Jager
Email: anli.deJager@informa.com
Business Development Manager: Ningi Qali
Email: Ningi.Qali@taylorandfrancis.com
Key Accounts Manager: Gabriella Govender
Email: Gabriella.Govender@taylorandfrancis.com
Business Development Manager, F1000: Roscoe Concer
Email: Roscoe.Concer@taylorandfrancis.com

Publishing Services: Taylor & Francis Africa
publishes approximately 70 highly regarded academic
and professional regional journals across a variety of
subject areas, from the arts to zoology, economics
to the environment, and mathematics to music.
In collaboration with learned societies, scholarly
institutions and local co-publishing partners, we are
committed to disseminating and showcasing African
research throughout the global online environment.
Building on a strong tradition of scholarly work in Africa, the Taylor & Francis team based in Cape Town
and Johannesburg works to support and strengthen
regional journals, whilst drawing on the resources of
our global operation headquartered in Oxford, United
Kingdom. We work closely with local co-publishing
partners, including Unisa Press, NISC and Medpharm
Publications. Our programme includes open access
journals and publication options, and we welcome
discussions with journal owners and partners about
potential future publishing collaborations.

+27 21 680 5330
Listing Tags
Ground Floor,
Liesbeek House,
River Park, Gloucester Road,
Mowbray, 7700
Province: Western Cape
ZIP Code