Street Address: 50 Imam Haron Road,
Claremont, 7708
Province: Western Cape
Tel: +27 (0)21 671 0837
Fax: +27 (0)21 671 2546
CEO: George Eadie
Executive: Dave Eadie
Anne Eadie
Liesl Sterrenberg
Monwabisi Mfobo
Bonita Morgan
Gary Lampe
Alice Jansen
Accounts: Samantha van Boom
Customer Care: Michelle Stockenstroom
Directors: Ian Reid (Non-exec Chair)
Dave Eadie
Anne Eadie
George Eadie
Gary Lampe
Tendayi Viki (NED)
Publishing Services: We provide comprehensive,
well-structured, user-friendly study guides designed
by subject specialists. Study guides are our CORE
business – learners are our top priority! Study guides
are written for high school (Grades 8–12). The best of
the latest study material, in both English and Afrikaans,
for Mathematics, Maths Literacy, Physical Sciences, Life
Sciences, Accounting, Geography, Economics, EMS,
Business Studies, Consumer Studies, History, English
and Afrikaans Languages and Agricultural Sciences.
All available in print and e-books.
The Answer Educational Publishers
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